100 Days Too Long
A new installation was put here to mark Day 100. It is a Hamas-like tunnel. And it is hands down the most violent art undertaking so far.
100 Days Too Long
Waiting in Tel Aviv
When online sites replace your byline
Doing an MA with kids
Innovation Stories: Welcoming back tourists to Israel
There is power in a name
She can be
Tech for Good: Hackathon
96,000 pounds of ice cream
Multitasking: Productive or Bad for your brain?
Corona tax is here
Kids vs. Zoom: Hacking the new school environment
Big YES to online Zoom parties and events
When companies choose to skip proofreading
A stick up my nose (Covid-19 test)
WFH in the days of remote learning
Reading with my kids to keep up on conversation
Not Another Zoom Talk
Contracts I wouldn’t, couldn’t and didn’t sign