One email. Then another. And then, unfortunately, another.
The coronavirus outbreak is threatening to wipe out a good part of my income. Or, at least postpone it.
Israel issued guidelines to keep meetings up to 5,000 people. That doesn’t usually apply to me. I tend to give talks to 20-100 people. But the fears surrounding COVID-19 have prompted groups – especially tourist groups – to cancel or postpone their trips to Israel.
As such, I find myself in a precarious position. I’m one of many linked to the travel/hospitality/events industries to be affected by coronavirus.
Of course, I’m not oblivious to huge sectors of the workforce also being affected.
The entertainment industry is cancelling events. So, too, the high-tech conference circuit.
Hotels are facing cancellations. Airlines, too.
But I recently wrote an article about video technologies – and how conferencing online is becoming a bigger part of the business world workday.
Perhaps it will be part of the speakers’ circuit, too?
What do you think? Can this work?