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Good old-fashioned trust

Viva Sarah Press

We bought two ceramic dishes today. DIY-style.

We were visiting Rosh Pina, in northern Israel. The Old Town is made up of cobblestone streets with quiet alleyways. The restored (and dilapidated) stone houses feature artists studios.

We popped into a number of shops. We tasted jams. We ogled paintings. We read about malaria. And we perused a number of ceramic stores. At Inbar's place, we found the two dishes we wanted to buy.

But Inbar was not there.

Actually, no one was manning the shop.

A sign on the counter said that if we needed something we should call a number.

I called.

Inbar answered. She said that if we were interested in purchasing the homemade dishes, we should take some bubble-wrap and wrap it ourselves.

Actually, we were also told to pay by ourselves -- through a banking application used in Israel.

It was good, old-fashioned trust.

She trusted us. We loved that she did. And we honored her trust.

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