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Viva Sarah Press

Over 500 million blogs. Thanks for choosing this one

There are over 1.6 billion websites in the world.

Over 500 million of them are considered to be blogs.

There are over 2 million blog posts uploaded daily.

As such, I’m flattered every time someone chooses to use their time to read something I’ve written.

I blog because I want to share stories with other people.

I never know who is going to read my stories about innovation or about educational clowning.

But I do know you are reading.

Thanks to analytics apps I know you are in the US or Canada, India or China, Brazil or Australia. I know that you are in Egypt, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, France, the UK, Israel, Laos, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines, Poland, Germany, Russia, Serbia, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine, Belarus, Italy, Croatia or even in Uzbekistan.

So, I just want to say thank you for reading my posts.

It truly means the world to me.

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