I am a speaker on the culture of innovation and creativity in Israel. I also happen to be a woman, who speaks on these issues.
And so in February 2018, when the JFNA National Women’s Philanthropy requested a talk with women at its focus, I jumped on the opportunity. What fun to talk about the amazing women making a difference in Israel’s business and innovation areas.
Every talk I give is unique and tailor-made for the group that has invited me.
I looked through the hundreds of articles I have written on Israeli innovation and Israeli culture to find anecdotal stories to use in my talk. I found the stories of dozens of inspiring women who are breaking the proverbial glass ceiling every day.
“Viva Sarah Press has joined National Women’s Philanthropy on two occasions. We first met Viva on the Heart to Heart 9 Mission to Israel when she lead a discussion and small group conversations for 100 women on Women in Innovation and Technology. We knew we had to invite Viva back—we needed to learn more from her! So, Viva joined us in Florida at the 2019 International Lion of Judah Conference where she moderated a panel session on The Amazing Adventures of Female Jewish Innovators for 1,400 conference attendees,” writes Sarah Fels, Program Manager at The Jewish Federations of North America, in a testimonial.
The International Lion of Judah Conference in Florida in January 2019 was an amazing and powerful gathering of women innovators.
Israel’s constant ingenuity makes it seem like there’s a new innovation or research breakthrough almost every day. And keeping up with all the women who are taking a role in this creativity and innovation is no small feat.
I am constantly collecting new stories about astounding women doing remarkable things in Israeli cyber, health, food-tech, education and every area in between.
This month, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to give a new talk on the role women play in Israeli innovation at the JNF's 2019 Annual Women For Israel Luncheon in Boca Raton, Florida.
There is so much happening. My main obstacle is picking and choosing which stories to tell.